Dog Walking
Terms & Conditions
A full copy of my Terms and Conditions will be given to you when I come for a visit to me you and your dog.
Four Paws and Trails require all clients to fill out a registration form. Please do keep me informed of any changes to your dog’s health.
Any cancellations must be given in person or by phone, 48hrs prior to the confirmed booking. Pre-paid charges will not be refunded. All bookings canceled within 48 hours will be payable in full.
In the case of your dog being injured or falling ill in my care, you will be contacted as soon as possible. If you cannot be contacted by all means given on the registration form, with advice from a Veterinary professional, an immediate decision may have to be made. You agree to Four Paws and Trails to make the decision on your behalf.
You are responsible for the full cost of treatment of any injury or illness that your dog receives while under the care of Four Paws and Trails. You authorize Four Paws and Trails to seek Veterinary advice and/or treatment, as they deem necessary. Where this is possible your preferred Vet will carry this out, but this cannot be guaranteed in the case of an emergency. You agree to pay all such costs immediately upon the pick up of your dog.
If any dog shows aggression towards any of the other dogs, Four Paws and Trails will advise them to be walked on their own. If any dog shows aggression towards me, Four Paws and Trails reserve the right to stop walking or visiting your dog.
All dogs are to be kept up to date with their vaccinations, de-flea, and worming treatments.
All dogs will be walked on a lead. Only when a bond is built up over time will the dogs be allowed off lead, with the owner's permission.
Even though your dog is Four Paws and Trails' highest priority, Four Paws and Trails cannot be held responsible for the unpredictability of your dog. I will not be held responsible for the disappearance, death, or injury of the dog.
Please ensure that your dog is wearing a sound collar and ID tag. All dogs legally need to be microchipped and have an ID tag.
You agree that Four Paws and Trails are not responsible for any loss or damage to leads, collars, tags, clothing, or other items of the dogs.
I will need to inform you if your dog is castrated or not and alterations will need to be made to accommodate your dog.
Please inform me if your bitch is in the season as alterations will need to be made to accommodate your dog.
If a dog has been unwell prior to the walk, I have the right to refuse to walk the dog due to the risk of cross-infection. Charges will still apply.
I am unable to accept bookings for any dogs that are subject to the terms of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or any other dogs that show aggression problems towards other dogs or people.
As a client of Four Paws and Trails, you are to accept full responsibility for the actions of your dog and you shall not in any way attempt to hold Four Paws and Trails at fault should your dog cause any damage or injury.
If I am unable to walk your dog as agreed, I will contact you as soon as possible. I will not charge a fee for any sessions which we are unable to provide and will reimburse any pre-payments made. I cannot make any contribution towards the cost of making alternative arrangements to have your dog walked.
All prices for the services I provide are on the website. www.fourpawsandtrails.co.uk
Payment for the service provided is due on the day of the service. For bookings made throughout the week, payments are due on Monday. Preferable payments can be paid in advance on a monthly basis.
To ensure your dog/s keeps their place secure, we request that a retainer fee is paid to us during weeks of absence. This fee ensures that your place is not taken up by other customers waiting for a service with me. If you wish to secure your walking place, we ask for £5 per walk for your normal weekly bookings. This is to be paid the week before your dog/s will be absent. The payment will guarantee your dog/s place on their return. The retainer fee will not be payable if it is when I’m on holiday or a Bank holiday.
Payment must be made by cash or bank transfer.
Bank Holidays and Weekend walks will incur an additional fee of £5. You will be advised of this at the time of booking.
Four Paws and Trails shall not be liable for any failure to provide the service due to acts beyond our control including Acts of God, extreme weather conditions, accidents, or illness. You will be entitled to a full refund of any deposits made in these circumstances.
If there is extreme cold (below freezing) or hot weather (Temperatures over 22 degrees), your dog’s health and well-being will be taken into consideration. Your dog(s) walk may be reduced in time, or they may only be exercised in your garden. Your charges will be altered for the service provided.
You consent to your dog (s) being photographed, videoed, and used in any media or advertising by Four Paws and Trails.
Four Paws and Trails are fully insured with Pet Business Insurance from Productivity Insurance. This covers all areas of Public Liability, Care, Custody and Control cover, and Loss of Key. Details of the policy can be made available upon your request.
You agree to provide keys / arrange access to the dog(s) home for the agreed walking/visit service. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation for the dog(s) service but will still be paid in full by you.
You agree by signing the key holder’s disclaimer and waiver liability that this will indemnify Four Paws and Trails in full against any liability arising from loss or damage to the property or its contents, in the present and future circumstances.
No variations of these terms and conditions will have effect unless confirmed in writing by Four Paws and Trails.
When canceling a regular booking, please give two weeks’ notice before the date you wish to discontinue. Payment for the remaining sessions must be made up to the date of discontinuation. This is due on the date of the cancellation. If fees have been paid passed the final session, this will be refunded. Keys will be returned on an agreed day/time in person. A signature is required on the original paperwork to say that the keys have been returned.
No variations of these terms and conditions will have effect unless confirmed in writing by Four Paws and Trails.