Who am I?
Hello there, Im Maria Dent...
I know what it’s like to have an anxious rescue dog… or two!
Previously we had an angel of a Black Labrador from eight weeks old, though this time we fell in love with an adolescent, nine-month-old, Chocolate Labrador, and knew he was the one! Apparently, he was very boisterous, needed the chop, and he would walk nicely with a facial harness – Sold!
This was all pre-knowledge of Dog Training and being a Behaviourist! Can you see where this is going?
Tigger came to his forever home after being neutered, with issues with his eyes, ears, and tummy, fitted with a facial harness and either growling or lunging towards dogs or people! Does this sound familiar?
We had advice coming from all different directions and it was very confusing. We went to different trainers, but that was to teach him how to sit and walk next to me! It got to the point that I was doing a lot of reading, courses and really enjoying working Tigger out!
What did I learn?
He was in pain! His previous diet had given him inflammatory bowel disease. His ears and eyes were uncomfortable and inflamed he needed medication. Eliminating many allergens from his diet certainly helped.
Because he was in pain and uncomfortable, he was grumpy. Wouldn’t you be? Over a period of time, this had built up with being unhappy in his previous life, in the rescue, in a new life, with different people, and environments. He didn’t know what to do!
He was uncomfortable with hash walking equipment.
We hadn’t given him enough time to settle, decompress and get used to his new life. This doesn’t take minutes, hours, or days… it takes months.
His hormones were everywhere! A ticking time bomb of a teenager, that had also been neutered much too early for him to cope with the consequences.
He was overwalked at a period of time of growth. Not enough downtime and enrichment.
Our relationship and bond needed building. Us both working each other out, observing each other’s body language, starting again with how we talked to each other, playing games instead of being yanked and pulled about into position and him knowing he was safe and there was unconditioned love.
Many courses later, I started my Dog Walking business Four Paws and Trails in 2018, learning many lessons with challenging dogs along the way! Four Paws Training Academy was then formed, in 2020, when I qualified as a Trainer and Behaviourist.
With the knowledge I gained from my experiences with Tigger, I help new guardians to give their puppies and dogs the best start they can have. To build a positive relationship and settle them into their new lives and give them the confidence and guidance to help them in the future.
Now, Tigger lives life to the full! Most of the issues he had have gone or are working in progress and managed. He also has a sister whom we adopted a few years ago, a Border Terrier called Scooby. They both live a super life with their walking friends and they come to our training groups as stooge or demo dogs. We love a good old ramble through the countryside. Though not everything is dog related. I love mixed media textile art and creating it, a good rugby match, reading to calm the brain, and maybe a mud run or two throughout the year to get the adrenaline rush and covered in the good stuff!
I love the path in life that Tigger gave me. One of which I feel at home with. I observe and learn, with each new dog I meet. They show us and I am there to listen and help.
If you would like to see my creditations, please click on this link.